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Parish Ministries

St. Patrick Parish encourages its parishioners to participate in one of our liturgical, social or music ministries. If you are interested, please contact the parish office.

Altar ServerAltar servers assist the priest in preparing for Mass. The servers take part in the liturgy by performing tasks to help the priest celebrate Eucharist. ​Tasks such as lighting candles and incense; preparing the altar; holding the Roman Missal; and carrying the processional cross are all done by the altar servers.​
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionThese ministers help to distribute the body and blood of Jesus at Mass. They assist the priest in putting away the sacred vessels and preparing for the next Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the SickParishioners assist the priest in providing pastoral care to the sick and homebound of the parish. The ministers take Eucharist to the sick whether they are at home, a personal care home or a nursing home.
GreetersParishioners greet and welcome all at the front door of the church.  They assist members of the assembly, especially visitors.
LectorsLectors proclaim the word of God during Mass or other liturgical functions. Lectors devote time to preparation and understanding of sacred Scripture.
Music Ministry | ChoirThe choir helps the assembly to praise God in song at each Eucharist. They minister at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. They typically practice on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m., in the church.
UshersThe ushers take up the offertory and distribute bulletins after Mass. They also assist as needed with emergencies or other necessary concerns.


​​St. Patrick Parish encourages its parishioners to participate in organizations in which we are affiliated. For more information about the organizations listed below, please contact the parish office​.

Knights of Columbus | Holy Name Council #4602​​We currently have two councils which serve our parishioners. Holy Name Council #4602 in Emlenton meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m., at the St. Michael the Archangel Parish hall in Emlenton.
Knights of Columbus | Kittanning Council #1011​We currently have two councils which serve our parishioners. Kittanning Council #1011 meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m., at 1011 Woodward Avenue, Kittanning.
Lenten Fish DinnersEach Lent, on Fridays, except, Good Friday, many parishioners prepare fried or baked fish, plus additional items, for sale to the public. The fish dinner can be enjoyed in the parish hall or take-out is available.
Mercy Meal TeamA group of parishioners help to provide a meal when a funeral takes place for a parishioner or non-parishioner. The group works with the family to provide a delicious hot meal to those who come to pray for and pay respects to the deceased person and the family. The team obtains the food, prepares the food, sets up the parish hall and serves everyone.
Prayer ChainA number of parishioners help to pray for anybody or a special request that is made. A member’s list is available at the parish. This group of parishioners helps to build up the community with prayer.
RCIAThe Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is available to those who are discerning their call to join The Catholic Church.  Ginny Harmon is the RCIA director and with Father Ricky Cortez, pastor, provides the catechesis for those who enter this process.
​St. Paddy’s Ladies Group   ​This is a group of women of all ages that attend to the needs of the parish by maintaining the c​andles in the church, providing meals to shut-ins, sending cards, etc.  The group typically meets on the second Tuesday of the month in the parish hall following the 6:00 p.m. Mass.